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HOPE System Guide During the Day 11/22/94 Page 66

Handling Mail/Phone Calls/Faxes/Messages

Among the largest "thieves" of time in a One Person Environment are mail handling , unsolicited phone calls, faxes and other types of messages. HOPE has a number of tools to help you lessen your load.

Messages from answering machines and letters may be entered on the calendar in an abbreviated form for response during slack times. In this way, you can look up information for responses at your own pace, and make contact when you want to.

Detail in vendor letters, faxes or E-Mail messages can be received through your computer system. The data can then be treated as a file, to be attached to a message. Logging the message on the calendar allows the file or image to be retrieved at your pace.

If messages are received by HOPE, the main Menu will announce "You have E-Mail messages." These messages are already logged on the calendar , saving you that step.

Finally, information may arrive which is duplicative. If it is has already been recorded in descriptions, status reports, and specifications, and is in the system, it can be discarded, which is probably the greatest help of all.
