INVMASNO Data base file - Field Definitions

#card 9

______ _________ ____ ___________________________________
1. ITEMNO Character 10 The Vendor's Item Number
2. ITEMDESC Character 19 Vendor Description - Main Cat First
3. DIMENSIONS Character 3 Largest dimension - usually inches
4. UNITMEASUR Character 2 Units of largest dim - IN, FT, CM
5. MEMOADDRES Character 10 Record address - extended description
6. RETPRICE Character 7 Our company selling price
7. VEN Character 3 Code - 3 digit unique alpha for VENDOR
8. DELIVINFO Character 6 Time for Delivery e.g. - 3 DAYS
9. QUANONHAND Character 3 Our quantity on hand in inventory
10. SALESRETAL Character 9 Our sales in $ at retail (xxxxxx.xx)
11. RESTRICTED Character 1 Vendor Code for sale restrictions
12. COSTDOL Character 7 Our latest purchase cost in $ (xxx.xx)
13. TOTSOLDPER Character 3 Our sales in units for the month
14. SALESCOST Character 9 Our sales in $ at cost (xxxxxx.xx)
15. PRODTYPE Character 6 Product Category Description (MONIT)
16. QUANONORD Character 3 Our quantity on order at present
17. STOCKNUM Character 6 Our assigned SKU number - no signif.
18. V Character 1 Product Category Code (M)
19. WHSELOC Character 3 Where our product is (SHL = Shelf)
20. RELITEMS Character 6 Related Items e.g. (MOUSPD)
21. COMPITEMS Character 6 Competing Items e.g. (ALR486)
22. DATERCVD Character 8 Date received into inventory
23. REGRET Character 9 List or regular retail selling price

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