#card 88

Date Dictionary and Utility Programs

BIND2 - FIle Index Update (NDX) for all files (includes vendor files).
BINDEX - FIle Index Update (NDX) for most SOSOPS files (no vendor files).
BUGREPOR Utility program for on-screen bug reports - output BUGxxx.TXT
BSHOW Utility - Viewer for .BSV files - 3596 06-18-94
DATADISP - Data Dictionary program - parallel to DEV1
DEV1 - the Overall SOSOPS / CLOKWORK Development environment-How you got here
DINDEX - Basic FIle Index Update (NDX) for Inventory/Transaction files.
MICREATE - Master Ingram Indexes - Fast Creation Program
PAGE - Page eject program / compiled utility - 3,258 03-16-94
TESTPRNT - test program for REPRINT -11,200 06-20-94
TSRINT - Hold Everything TSR Loader - 1,565 08-29-90
WINCLIP - Windows to clipboard from DOS - 4,628 01-14-94

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