Hi, I’m Will Somers. Many of you may not have heard of me, but I was graduated with distinction (high honors) from Harvard Business School in the same class as people like Michael Bloomberg , Thomas Weisel , Bill George and others. I have had a great career, one in which I have loved every minute. I have succeeded a bunch of times and I have failed a bunch of times, but I have always learned, and have always tried to do better the next time. Over one fifteen year stretch, I built my own company, starting from two people and building up to over 1100. As CEO, I always drew my organization chart upside down with me on the bottom, since it was my job to support everyone.

Over the last ten years, I have done a lot of computer consulting for many of America’s largest companies, and frankly I have been appalled by what I have seen. The prevailing theory in management today seems to be one of bullying, of pitting people against one another, and, of management greed and stupidity. Sadly, what you see in Dilbert © is all too true. All too often, middle management monkeys run the zoo.

For the person who is willing to assume responsibility at the top, either just starting out or already successful, I’m concerned by a lot of what I see and a lot of what I hear every day. My experience is that the winner isn’t the one with the best and most expensive equipment, the latest new toys. It is the one who has the best system for knowing what is going on. And I mean the top person knowing what is going on, not some staff “policy wonk” having his or her “data.”

So, I used everything I have learned over the years and built a system. It is called, appropriately enough, HOPE Software ©, which stands for Help for the One Person Enterprise ?, which is what we all are in the final analysis. We all need to know what is really going on, and to be able to drill through it effortlessly to find the specific information we need.

Software can really help you do that. And it won’t necessarily be the latest and greatest which tends to be “designed by committee” and to be horribly bloated, with many features no one ever uses. HOPE Software is designed to be elegant, and while you do have to learn how to use it, once you do, it makes running your business fun again.

Strangely enough, the software has a real 200 plus page manual. When was the last time you got a printed manual with your software? And this one isn’t written in “computerese.” It is packed with powerful business suggestions. I wrote it, just as I, with a very small team, wrote the software. Most real innovations in the computer field come from very tight groups. HOPE Software is written in that grand tradition.

HOPE Software isn’t perfect. I’m not even going to guarantee you will like it. But if you take the time to learn the manual and you actually use HOPE Software, it will change your life. And the best part is that it is inexpensive enough and customizable enough, so that if you don’t like it you can change it, or, at worst, throw it away and you really won’t have lost much at all.

Personally, I hope you will try HOPE Software. We help people contribute to its growth and expansion by giving away rights to modify 90% of the code as “open source.” We hope (that word again) that you will get back your hope for your future and that of all your friends, employees and associates.

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