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FILE NAME................:HENALL.DBF Total records in the file:106

FILE TYPE................:Type III Length of each record....:155

LAST UPDATE..............:01/13/96 Fields per record........: 22



---------- ---- --- --- ===============================================

1. NAMED Char 2-23 22 Customer Name (First Name First,Last Name Last)

2. ADDRESS Char 24-43 20 Customer Address

3. CITY Char 44-63 20 Customer City

4. STATE Char 64-65 2 Customer State Abbreviation (Two Letters, Caps)

5. ZIP Char 66-70 5 Customer Zip Code

6. ORDER_NO Char 71-75 5 Order Number (Given by computer to transaction)

7. LINK_NO Char 76-80 5 Link order to a trans.(usually completed sale#)

8. TYPE_TRANS Char 81-85 5 Quote, Order, Stock, Deliv, Paymt, Purch

9. ORDER_PIC Memo 86-95 10 Memo Address (DBT) Number

10. VENDOR1 Char 96-98 3 First Vendor ID on order

11. VENDOR2 Char 99-101 3 Second Vendor ID on order

12. VENDOR3 Char 102-104 3 Third Vendor ID on order

13. VENDOR4 Char 105-107 3 Fourth Vendor ID on order

14. AMOUNT_DOL Char 108-114 7 Dollar Amount of Order (Not including tax)

15. OPEN_BAL Char 115-121 7 Dollar Amount Remaining to pay (Without tax)

16. ORDERDATE Char 122-127 6 Date this order was placed by customer

17. TAXFREE Char 128-128 1 1 if taxfree - 0 if taxable

18. COMPFLAG Char 129-129 1 1 if delivered to customer, blank if not

19 UPDATE Char 130-135 6 Date of most recent transaction on this order

20 CALLPHONE Char 136-147 12 Number of customer to call when in

21 VAC2 Char 148-149 2 Vacant

22 CUSTID Char 150-155 6 Customer ID Number (...908 In CUSTMREC)